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Krishna The God

Krishna The God


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Saturday, May 17, 2008


A Divine breeze permeated the entire brahmand with the descension of supreme Lord Krishna. His mother Deoki saw Him in His absolute Divine glory, lovingly smiling and standing in front of her in His full youthful form. In the meantime celestial gods and goddesses along with Brahma and Shiva came, sang homage to Krishna and returned to their abodes. Krishna then became like a day-old baby.
Deoki and Vasudeo were imprisoned by the demon Kans, the King of Mathura, because a celestial warning had informed him that the eighth son of Deoki would be his destroyer. But when Krishna appeared, a tiny touch of His Divine power shattered the defense system of the jail: locks broke, watchmen went into deep sleep, gates opened and all the restrictions were eliminated.

The flooding Yamuna river gave way to Vasudeo so that he could safely transport baby Krishna to his relative Nand Baba’s house which was in Gokul and on the other side of river Yamuna. Thus, Krishna first descended in Mathura and on the same night He came to Gokul. He appeared on the eighth waning moon night of bhadon (August) in Rohini Nakchatra (asterism) in 3228 BC.

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